“Though she be but little she is fierce”

– Shakespeare

Meet Mailynn Lamarr!

Nine year old Mailynn was diagnosed with cancer a year ago. What started as a perceived ear infection, turned into a life changing circumstance. Eventually, Mailynn had to undergo chemotherapy and face the inevitability of losing her hair.

As is true for many women, Mailynn adored her hair. As her mother stated of the young girl, “Losing her hair was very significant. She was a child that wouldn’t walk past the mirror without looking at her hair.”

However, the precocious little Mailynn decided that rather than waiting to lose her hair, she would take matters into her own hands. She refused to allow the intrusive chemo treatment to take her hair. Instead, she shaved it off! Such is the nature of our bold warrior – to fight back before letting in the fear or panic. So, what better henna adornment to give her than a ‘Wonder Woman’ crown, the epitome of femininity and valor? And here’s what Mailynn had to say about it all: 

“I can’t wait to decorate my bald head” 

Seated in her chair, Mailynn eagerly readied herself for her transformation into a warrior princess. She was excited to have the rare opportunity of using makeup (much like any young old girl). Finally, while admiring her “princess” crown, our little lady grinned, “I look so great!”

“This is the best day of my life!

“Join Us in Spreading Courage”
Ceremonial Ritual Therapeutic Art through Henna
Hear our STORIES

Henna Crown’s of Courage believes in the healing power of art. Our henna art therapy program empowers cancer survivors, through story telling, ritual ceremony, while celebrating their strength and resilience through the beauty of henna crowns. Each donation helps us to grow our mission in spreading joy and confidence to those on their journey to recovery.