Angelique Slater
Angelique Slater When I was about eight or nine my Grammie was diagnosed with breast cancer. While she was being treated my Gramps came home with a medical grade fake breast that had different types of lumps in it. He was a chief x-ray tech so we got crash courses on...
Becky Richards
Becky Richards I’m a 45 year old hair dresser and learned of my diagnosis in March of 2017 when a client confided in me and said she had breast cancer. Shortly after hearing this I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to have a mammogram. Results showed I...
Rebecca Wallace
Rebecca Wallace Back in August of 2017, I was hit with the news that nobody ever wants to hear. I had been sick over the summer with various symptoms that could all be explained away as various things. The one thing, however, that we couldn’t figure out was a lump on...
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